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2023 New Year Vision

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

As I sit here and sip my morning coffee, I can't help but reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. 2022 was full of changes. Ones that challenged us, ones that helped us grow, and ones that shaped us more into the people God has called us to be. Overall as we reflect on the past 365 days, no matter the changes, we are walking away grateful and excited for what the new year has ahead! As important as it is to grow from those changes we also want to take some time to remember some of our greatest highlights from 2022 too...

  • Moving back to Texas

  • Traveling to Europe for the first time

  • Buying our first home

  • Making new friendships and growing deeper in old ones

  • Seeing all of our grandparents

  • Visiting our 27th state together in the year we both turned 27

  • Starting new careers/jobs

Now as we look ahead to 2023, we want to take some time to really set our intentions right for the new year with some goals for us individually and collectively. There's just something about writing out your goals, dreams, and intentions that make them feel more real, more obtainable, and help you be more here goes ours!

  • Once a week, spend 30 minutes doing something that is just for me- Brittany

  • 2 minutes of direct sun exposure every morning- Alec

  • 20 minutes of movement everyday- Alec & Brittany


  • Do workouts that bring me joy- Brittany

  • Try new recipes for dinner- Brittany

  • Daily gratitude reflection- Alec

Intellectual Growth

  • Read 12 books this year, one more every month- Brittany

  • 1 Spanish lesson everyday- Alec

Career & Finance

  • Gain a new technical certification- Alec

  • Write out a business plan and start putting money aside every month to make that dream a reality- Alec & Brittany

Do you set new years goal and intentions? If not, we highly encourage setting aside some time today to do so and really think about what you want this new year to look like. Whether it be a fitness goal, a relationship goal, or something different let's all commit to making this year the best one yet!


the stegalls

P.S. here are some other great New Year's blog posts to check out when making your goals and setting your intentions for 2023. Happy dreaming!


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